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From Fear to Faith

From Fear to Faith

Rejoicing in the Lord in Turbulent Times.

The country was on the brink of a devastating invasion. Famine threatened.
Violence and social injustice filled the land. Habakkuk the Old Testament
prophet had every reason to sink into despair. Where was God in these turbulent

Martyn Lloyd-Jones was one of the twentieth century's foremost preachers and
Bible teachers. The parallels he draws between the message of Habakkuk and the
crisis-ridden West are still powerfully relevant to our own times. Here is the
secret of the problem of history. No event, however catastrophic, fails to find
a place in God's loving purpose for humanity. Habakkuk's great assertion of
faith, in the midst of enormous personal upheaval and emotional strain, can be
ours: 'Yet I will rejoice in the LORD ... The Sovereign LORD is my strength.'

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From Fear to Faith


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